Antiracist Learning 机会


作为多样性部门, 包容, and Community Engagement (DICE) receives inquiries from colleagues across campus about how to meaningfully respond to the current unrest built on centuries of anti-black violence, we have begun to compile articles and other resources to help you be informed and better equipped to engage on this topic (understanding that a number of community members have already been engaging in this work). We also hope the resources we have assembled will inspire you to begin or continue disrupting anti-black racism in organizational settings as well as in your daily life. We encourage you to use the list below to expand your knowledge on anti-blackness and systemic racism, look into forms of meaningful allyship, and come to learn some of the organizations that are deeply committed to this work. (In compiling this list DICE’s goal is not to endorse but rather provide resources based on the inquiries we receive). If you would like further guidance on transforming knowledge to practice after engaging in critical self-reflection, please feel free to email us at



Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America "How Structural Racism Works" Series布朗大学

Historical and Contemporary Contexts


Call It What It Is: Anti-Blackness

Ruth J. Simmons Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice布朗大学


6 Considerations for School Leaders Making a Statement 关于 George Floyd

Leading Departments and Supporting Team Members

How to Manage When Things Are Not Okay and Haven't Been for Centuries

Supporting Black 工作人员 in Times of Crisis

How to Manage Your Team in Times of Political Trauma

黑人的命很重要! 是的,即使在工作场所也是如此

Maintaining Professionalism In The Age of Black Death Is….很多


7 Examples of What Being an Ally at Work Really Looks Like

Detour-Spotting for White Anti-racists

Anti-racist Allyship Starter Kit

Organizations Confronting Anti-Black Racism in the U.S.

